Many in the running community may not know that industry icon Dick Beardsley has been battling a serious infection in one of his knees. In August 2023, he was diagnosed with an antibiotic-resistant MRSA infection, which quickly became systemic. Since then, he has undergone more than 10 surgeries and several rounds of antibiotics in an effort to save his knee. 

In November 2024, his artificial knee was replaced for the third time and now he is facing yet more surgeries, this time for skin grafting, due to the extensive trauma his knee has endured. All of this has lead to a growing medical debt and involved frequent, multiple day trips to Sioux Falls, SD.

For those who may not know Dick that well, he is an American long-distance runner best known for tying for first place with Inge Simonsen in the inaugural 1981 London Marathon and his close finish with Alberto Salazar in the 1982 Boston Marathon.

Now, as many are aware, Beardsley is self-employed as a fishing guide and motivational speaker. Unfortunately, due to his ongoing health struggles, he has had little to no income for over a year.

So his friends are stepping up with a GoFundMe effort to help him out. Running Insight+ has been asked to help spread the word that if anyone feels moved to help Dick during this challenging time, please consider making a donation through

Brad Fawley, the author of "The Front Runner", has generously donated a signed copy of his book to the first 100 people who donate $100 or more.